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Пълзяща роза, създадена в Германия от W. Kordes‘ Söhne

Super Dorothy

Super Dorothy

Regular price €19,50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €19,50 EUR
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  • Order now and we guarantee you priority delivery in February - March.

Add a touch of femininity to your garden with one of the successful creations signed by Kordes. Super Dorothy is a gorgeous pink climbing rose, with numerous small flowers, with a diameter of 3 cm. It will quickly occupy a special place in your heart.

Not only its beauty recommends it, but also the effect it will have on the entire landscape, instantly beautifying the facade of your house, a gray wall on which it would stand out very beautifully, or an old wooden fence.

Super Dorothy blooms profusely in late spring and sometimes throughout the season and reaches a height of between 2 and 2.5 m at maturity.

If you want Super Dorothy to make your summer days more beautiful and rosy, now is the time to order her.

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Famous Roses

You should also know that in everything we have done, are doing and will do, exceptional quality was, is and will be the golden rule. This is, if you like, the essence of our offer. We are convinced that ethics and a job well done are vital to the success of the company and that is precisely why we strictly adhere to these principles.