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Хибридна чаена роза, създадена в Германия от W. Kordes‘ Söhne

Souvenir of Baden Baden

Souvenir of Baden Baden

Regular price €17,10 EUR
Regular price Sale price €17,10 EUR
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The collection of souvenirs in your garden will now be richer with a souvenir from the great creator Kordes, a tea hybrid created in 2008 in Germany, which you will naturally place next to souvenirs from France, from Meilland Richardier or Delbard. Or perhaps next to the famous British souvenirs signed by David Austin.

In any case, your garden will welcome Souvenir De Baden Baden with open arms, because it is impossible to refuse the sophistication and elegance that will cross your threshold with the arrival of this charming rose.

Its spectacular flowers with a pink center that opens to almost white on the outside will bring more color to your garden. But also an additional fragrance. Intense, indeed. A perfume that will be felt with every bloom of the season, because your new German souvenir has multiple blooms from June until frost.

We recommend Souvernir De Baden Baden for both its beauty and its vigor. In fact, for the latter it received the ADR certificate in 2010, a certificate that is only given to extremely resistant roses.

Recommended for cut flowers in vases and floral arrangements. The cut flower has a durability of approx. 5 days.

You should also know that at maturity it can reach a height of 90-100 cm.

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Famous Roses

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