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Роза Флорибунда, създадена в Англия от Дейвид Остин



Regular price €24,10 EUR
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It wasn't long before this creation of David Austin became popular with gardeners all over the world. Including Romanian gardeners. First, Crocus flourished in thousands of English gardens since 2000, when it was created, and then it was sought after in different countries, saying that it was downright fascinating.

We at Famous Roses are truly happy that we were able to bring the magnificent and incomparable Crocus here. But even more happy is that with our help it has already reached many rose lovers across the country.

And the reviews are very good. Many customers have told us about Crocus that it is a rose that should not be missing in any garden. Elegant, delicate and always friendly to all who stop by to admire it.

As can be seen in the adjacent photo, Crocus has extremely generous flowers, painted in warm white colors with a yellow-orange center. What the photo cannot convey, however, is precisely its light aroma, which, beware, is very seductive.

Otherwise, the pink beauty we are talking about blooms repeatedly from May until frost, and its bush can reach a height of 100-120 cm at maturity.

Recommended for cut flowers in vases and floral arrangements. The cut flower has a durability of approx. 5 days.

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Famous Roses

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