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Пълзяща роза, създадена в Англия от Дейвид Остин



Regular price €24,20 EUR
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Simply "BATHSAVEYA" - a remarkable rose created by David Austin that will take your breath away from its first bloom. Apricot-yellow buds open into lush rosettes filled with petals, emitting a sophisticated aroma of myrrh with delicate notes of honey and tea.
The romantic, peony-like blooms present a charming combination of soft apricot pink and pale yellow hues, creating an overall impression of apricot, with the outer petals showing cream tones.

This rose forms a vigorous, medium-sized climber, perfect for adding an elegant accent to your garden. Its name is inspired by the character in Thomas Hardy's film Far from the Madding Crowd.

It blooms repeatedly throughout the season, and at maturity can reach a height of about 2 to 2.5 meters.

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Famous Roses

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