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Роза Флорибунда, създадена в Германия от W. Kordes‘ Söhne



Regular price €16,30 EUR
Regular price Sale price €16,30 EUR
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An unspoken declaration of love, but with the impact of a thousand words spoken from the heart, every time you meet in your garden. Abracadabra, the mute magician, pulls out of his hat large and abundant flowers, red on white-yellow stripes, mesmerizing every viewer with their fragrance throughout the spectacle.

The floribunda rose captivates the audience with its attractive foliage and is distinguished by its very high disease resistance. Its favorite number is when, in maturity, filled with wisdom, it reaches heights of between 80-90 cm, rising above all expectations.

Appearing, disappearing, and then appearing again are just some of the old tricks this rose has ready in every wave of bloom, tricks it uses with mastery, just to surprise the onlookers. If you decide to adopt an Abracadabra rose, know that the spectacle is guaranteed.

Recommended for cut flowers in vases and floral arrangements. The cut flower has a durability of approx. 5 days.

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Famous Roses

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